Affordable private counselling for individuals

Private psychological counselling is safe, confidential and effective. Using your GP approved mental health plan can help you positively respond to issues in your day to day life.

Why seek counselling?

Counselling is a process of talking about and working through your personal problems with a clinician. The clinician helps you to address your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies and increase self-awareness. For some people, just the process of telling their story and being listened to, is helpful.

Better Place private counselling is flexible. You can schedule appointments to suit your routine, lifestyle and needs. You can also access other Better Place support services such as financial counselling, mediation, child counselling and relationship counselling. 

Who uses private psychological counselling?

Anyone who is struggling with a personal concern can seek counselling. No issue is too big or too small to ask for support.

Many people seek counselling for any number of reasons throughout their life such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Stress Management
  • Self Esteem
  • Relationship Issues
  • Sexual issues
  • Grief and Loss
  • Referrals to specialist support such as Alcohol and other Drug Services, Gambling Support and Family Violence Service

What is Counselling like?

Through regular sessions the clinician explores with you the difficulties and issues you may be facing and assists you to build strategies and coping skills to help you address them. The objective is to help you make a positive change.

Private psychological counselling can help when you :

  • Need help dealing with strong emotions such as grief, loss, sadness, anger, blame 
  • Are struggling to move on from past relationships
  • Are in conflict with those close to you be it partners, parents, family, friends, colleagues or children
  • Want help to identify what isn’t working in your life and developing strategies to improve
  • Feel like your relationship needs work
  • Want an impartial, non-judgmental person to talk about your problems 


What won’t Counsellors do?

Our counsellors won’t:

  • Give advice or be judgemental
  • Diagnose mental illness or prescribe medication (only doctors can do that)

Is counselling confidential?

Yes. Nothing said will be revealed unless permission has been given and any notes taken are kept secure. There are some circumstances under which confidentiality is limited or revoked due to legal or personal protection requirements.

Are there costs ?

Better Place Australia offers low-cost Medicare-funded counselling services. We accept the Medicare benefit as payment for our service with a mental health care plan from your GP. There is a $20 to $120 co-payment required per session, price depending on whether you have a healthcare concession card or not.

For those without a mental health care plan, there is a $109 to $209 co-payment required per session depending on whether you have a healthcare concession card or not.

Fact sheet

Counselling – Fact sheet

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Please make an enquiry if you would like to book an appointment for one of our services. Alternatively, you can live chat with us during business hours.

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