Perpetrators of Elder Abuse (Discussion paper by Teaster & Roberto)

Victims of elder abuse commonly know their perpetrators. In most instances, particularly in Australia, it is the children of the older person who is the abuser, however this is not limited to children, and can include intimate partners, friends, carers, and even telephone scammers. Most likely, perpetrators enacting financial, physical and psychological abuse, are trusted individuals who offer assistance to care for the older person or who resides with them.

Given the limited research into those who perpetrate abuse against older people, in their book chapter “Perpetrators of Elder Abuse” Teaster & Roberto, 2022 from the USA, the researchers have drawn findings from global research and have produced an in-depth discussion on the most common characteristics of perpetrators of older people, while offering insights into prevention strategies.

For full understanding, read Perpetrators of Elder Abuse by Pamela B. Teaster and Karen A. Roberto.

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