1800 639 523

Separate Smarter

A better way for separating couples to agree on parenting, finances and asset division

Going to court is stressful, expensive and time consuming. You may not get the result you want.

For most people, you don’t need to go to court when making plans for children or dividing property and finances when separating.

To divorce, it is necessary to apply to the Court for a Divorce order, however there is no requirement for a court to be involved when making parenting and/or financial arrangements – unless it is not safe to make your own agreement, or when you still cannot agree after making a genuine attempt to resolve your dispute.

There is a smarter way to separate. Explore below to find out how.


We're in agreement

You’ve come to an agreement and are on the same page.


We don't agree yet

You find yourself unable to reach an agreement on your own.


We can't agree

A look at options that may be able to assist you.


Parenting Plans

Ensure your children remain in a safe and stable environment.


Property and Money

When people separate they will usually need to sort out their money, property and debt.


Shuttle mediation

When you are both in separate rooms when a mediation is being conducted.


The effect of conflict upon your children

Separation that has the biggest impact on children. Understand how conflict can impact them.


How you can better support your child during separation

Sometimes, parents can benefit from better understanding how their conflict affects their children.


Family Violence – finding help and support

Find a range of support and legal resources that may be helpful.


The Good Divorce Podcast

The ABC has produced a podcast exploring separation and if it is possible to achieve a “good divorce”. The podcast series, hosted by journalist and TV presenter Tamara Oudyn, covers topics including contemporary relationships, the impact of Covid-19,  preventing kids being caught in the middle, and navigating financial matters successfully.

Support is just a phone call away

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