Free psychological services in Kingston and Cardinia

Mental health services providing support to residents who live, work or study in Kingston shire or Cardinia shire.

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For a referral, call SEMPHN during business hours on 1800 862 363.

Why use psychological services?

Most people will experience difficulties and setbacks at some point in their lives. Working with a mental health professional can help you recognise and learn to manage your own emotions, reframe of your own often negative self-talk, and find healthy ways to cope with the challenges in your life in a safe and confidential setting. If you are struggling, we can help.


Who can use this service?

You can access this free service if you:

  • Live, work or study in the Kingston and Cardinia area
  • Have difficulty accessing or affording support services
  • Suffering from low to moderate mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, panic, stress, self-esteem, relationship issues, grief and loss or eating disorders
  • You do not need a current mental health care plan for this free service and will not need to apply for a medicare rebate.


What does psychological services do?

A mental health professional can support you by helping you learn valuable psychological coping strategies to manage the challenging times in your life.

Your Clinician will spend time in your initial session assessing your concerns, discussing your therapeutic goals and working with you to determine a treatment approach.

A mental health professional can help you:

Understand self

You can gain a greater understanding of yourself and why you think as you do

Recognise behaviours

Develop a better understanding of your behaviours and thinking patterns

Enhance wellbeing

Enhance your sense of wellbeing and life satisfaction through developing strategies.


What won’t our clinicians do?

Our clinicians will not:

  • Give advice or be judgemental
  • Get emotionally involved
  • Diagnose mental illness or prescribe medication (only doctors can do that)
  • Commit you to long-term therapy (services are at your discretion).


Who can refer to this service?

Psychological services for Kingston and Cardinia can be accessed through referrers, including self-referrals. Referrals can be made by anyone including GPs and other primary health providers, schools, social services and other organisations.

Please call SEMPHN Mental Health Intake phone (business hours only) on 1800 862 363.


Notes for General Practitioners

GPs can fax referrals and GP Mental Health Treatment Plan using 9793 9052 or call the intake hotline for priority assistance 1800 862 363.
Referral forms and clinical software templates are on the SEMPHN mental health intake resources. Other referral forms are accepted if they contain the relevant required information.

For more information on Accessible Psychological Interventions (API) services please visit

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This service is available at these locations

Get Support

Please make an enquiry if you would like to book an appointment for one of our services. Alternatively, you can live chat with us during business hours.

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