Bushfire-affected Victorians face a double crisis

Bushfire-affected Victorians face multiplier effect with double crisis

Bushfire-affected Victorians are facing a new crisis of significant proportions with the impact of the coronavirus hitting them twice as hard. Many are struggling to continue to come to terms with the devastation of having their families, properties and incomes impacted, only to have their lives further upended with the coronavirus pandemic.

While many have just begun rebuilding their lives, the coronavirus fallout may be the tipping point for them. The Government implemented self-isolation and work-from-home measures may be forcing them into a deeper financial downward spiral.

CEO Serge Sardo remains committed to providing accessible and appropriate supports to bushfire victims during this time of crisis.

“Our thoughts are with the victims and their families currently going through these difficult times. With many of the much-needed resources and community fund-raising being forced to cancel or directed to tackling the pandemic, many bushfire victims may be left feeling like they have been forgotten.”

“Picking up the pieces after such a tragedy is not an easy task. Many would be going through significant financial hardship and job insecurity. Bills, everyday expenses and debt can create further stress and anxiety on an already unbearable situation.”

“It is critical that we ensure people in these communities have access to timely support and relevant information on the resources available to them and can get their financial issues addressed by experts in the field.”

Charu Thukal, a Financial Counsellor Team Leader with the National Help Debtline through Better Place Australia, observes, “Often many people are left confused as to where to start and what options are available when speaking with insurers or financial institutions about their situation. Many may struggle with insurance or paying their mortgages and think they’ve reached a dead end. But they still have options.”

Financial counsellors from the Bushfire Financial Counselling Helpline can assist people to navigate the range of relief supports available to them and their family, negotiate with creditors on their behalf, and help them with managing their debt and finances.

The Bushfire Financial Counselling Helpline provides phone and video support for bushfire affected Victorians. Call 1800 007 007 during business hours or visit bushfirefinancialcounselling.org.au.



Serge Sardo is available for interview on 0439 578 277. He is also available to travel to Melbourne Studios. Media Contact – Graeme Westaway 0438 318 311. Graeme.westaway@betterplace.com.au

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