We have listened and we have delivered

This is the single-minded focus behind Better Place Australia’s brand new website that launches today.

“The website is a true reflection of the Better Place Australia brand in a contemporary manner,” says Better Place Australia’s CEO, Serge Sardo.

“Our clients and visitors have told us that they want timely help, easy access and a friendly digital experience. We listened and we have delivered.”

An important feature is the safety functions for clients under duress, including a one-touch click call for support, a Quick Exit button and information about 24-hour support lines. A new services filter, meanwhile, lets clients view the services available at their location and guides them to information relevant to their search.

According to Mr Sardo, being able to guide visitors along an intuitive pathway through the website reduces the barriers to them getting help. “We tested the pilot website with users and this is what they wanted. In a time of a global pandemic, the importance of this user journey cannot be underestimated.”

“Seeking counselling can be daunting even without the current world situation,” Mr Sardo says.

“Our visitors and clients are often highly stressed when they arrive on our site. It is critical that they have a friendly website that allows them to quickly find things.”

Gone are the multiple pages that just resemble marketing brochures. In their place is a modern design and a beautiful interface that promises an intuitive digital experience. The new website is also mobile-responsive, which is critical considering that over 45% of Better Place Australia’s clients are mobile users.

“With the COVID-19 restrictions, we’re only able to offer telephone or video-linked services so we need to make the journey from arriving at our site to seeking an appointment as easy and straightforward as possible. This is so important to reach the most vulnerable and isolated in our community.” Says Mr Sardo.

Better Place Australia’s Digital Product Manager, Adam Gilbert agrees. “The website provides a fully functional experience whether on mobile, tablet or on a desktop.” For him, the new website’s point of pride lies in its usability whether someone is seeking a particular service or essential information to help them make informed decisions.

Better Place Australia services are able to respond to the big crises in people’s lives whether that be separation, debt, mental health issues, relationship stress or parenting issues. It is crucial that they find the services quickly and easily, especially if they’re looking for it online.

The website also showcases the organisation’s new initiatives, including Better Pride LGBTIQ+ services, Centre for Better Relationships and Respecting Elders.



Serge Sardo is available for interview on 0439 578 277. He is also available to travel to Melbourne Studios. Media Contact – Graeme Westaway 0438 318 311.


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